Which Characteristic Relates to Alkenes, but Not the Other Hydrocarbon Families?
ALKENES - construction & chemical properties
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5. ALKENES � unsaturated hydrocarbons � their construction and chemical reactions
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Examples of ALKENES
The lower displayed formulae are a more accurate representation of the construction of the alkene molecules
Revision notes on alkenes in chemistry, physical properties of alkenes, uses of alkenes, chemical reactions of alkenes, help when revising for AQA GCSE chemistry, Edexcel GCSE chemistry, OCR GCSE gateway science chemistry, OCR 21st century scientific discipline chemistry GCSE ix-1 chemistry examinations.
5a. The structure and names of the ALKENE hydrocarbons (unsaturated)
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Revision notes on alkenes in chemistry, concrete backdrop of alkenes, uses of alkenes, chemical reactions of alkenes, help when revising for AQA GCSE chemistry, Edexcel GCSE chemistry, OCR GCSE gateway science chemistry, OCR 21st century science chemical science GCSE 9-1 chemical science examinations. Examples of the molecular formula, molecular construction of ALKENES | |
(1)![]() ![]() ![]() the C=C is referred to equally the carbon � carbon 'double bond' | ethene |
(1)![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | propene |
(i)![]() ![]() ![]() better shown as but-one-ene These two unlike molecular structures for the aforementioned molecular formula are called isomers. | butene |
(1) ![]() ![]() | pentene |
![]() The total displayed formula for the commencement four members of the homologous series of ALKENES These diagrams evidence ALL the covalent bonds (unmarried C-H, C-C and double C=C) in alkene molecules The formulae tin can also be written as: CH2=CH2, CH3CH=CH2, CHiiiCHiiCH=CH2 and (i) CH3CHiiCHtwoCH=CH2 Note: Just like butene above, there is some other molecule of pentene where the double bond is in another alternative position in the carbon chain: (2) CH3CH2CH=CHCH3 that is, besides as (i) Like with butene, this is some other example of what we call isomers, molecules of different structure with the aforementioned molecular formula, in this case C5H10 . You might not need to know the discussion isomer, but you may need to know these different structures exist, and, exist able to spot them with a spot of atom counting! | |
![]() The point I'yard making here is that they all have the carbon - carbon double bond (>C=C<) somewhere in the molecule making them an alkene molecule! | other alkenes names not important |
The c ovalent bonding diagram for the alkene ETHENE Electronically, hydrogen (1 outer electron) becomes like helium (2 outer electrons, full outer shell) and carbon (2.4, 4 outer electrons) becomes like neon (2.viii, full outer shell of 8 electrons), so ALL the hydrogen and carbon atoms effectively take full outer shells in forming the covalent bonds when the atoms share their outer electrons. With only four hydrogen atoms in the ethene molecule, ii carbon atoms must share four electrons to form a double covalent bail (C=C). The molecule can be shown equally |
Revision notes on alkenes in chemistry, physical properties of alkenes, uses of alkenes, chemical reactions of alkenes, assistance when revising for AQA GCSE chemistry, Edexcel GCSE chemistry, OCR GCSE gateway scientific discipline chemistry, OCR 21st century science chemistry GCSE ix-1 chemistry examinations.
5b. Three important addition reactions of alkenes
Important comparison: Unsaturated alkenes are much more reactive than alkanes considering of the reactivity of the carbon = carbon double bond (saturated alkanes have no double bonds) . In these addition reactions unsaturated alkenes form a new bonds either side of the original double bond and therefore class a saturated compound (no longer has a C=C double bond) Yous can think of the double bond as half opening upward and a bond breaking in the added molecule and ii new bonds grade east.one thousand. Once two atoms are joined by the two new single covalent bonds, the double C=C bond no longer exists, it would so exist described as a saturated molecule - cannot add any more atoms to it. | |
Reaction one. Addition of bromine A examination to distinguish between ALKANE and ALKENE hydrocarbons | |
![]() | What is a simple test for an alkene? Hydrocarbons are colourless . Bromine dissolved in h2o or trichloroethane solvent forms an orange (yellow/brownish) solution. When orangish bromine solution (bromine water) is added to both an methane series or an alkene the consequence is quite different. The alkane solution remains orange � no reaction. Still, the alkene decolourises the bromine equally it forms a colourless dibromo�alkane compound � see the word and balanced symbol equations below. |
ethene + bromine ====> ane,2�dibromoethane CHii=CHii + Br2 ====> Br�CH2CHii�Br or better colour of mixture changes from orange to colourless | Alkenes are unsaturated molecules, atoms tin add together to them via the C=C double bond, so a reaction occurs. The double bond opens up and new carbon � bromine bonds (C�Br) are formed. This double bond makes alkenes much more than reactive than alkanes, the bromine water test for alkenes is just 1 example. Alkanes are saturated � no double bond � and atoms cannot add � so no reaction. |
propene + bromine ====> 1,two�dibromopropane ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() CH3CH=CHtwo + Br2 ====> CHiii�CHBr�CHtwoBr or better | 2nd example of bromine addition to a double bond giving a saturated dibromo compound. The decolourisation of bromine is a unproblematic and effective chemical exam for an alkene � an unsaturated hydrocarbon. The same reaction happens with chlorine (just but Cl instead of Br) This reaction is NOT given by alkanes because they do NOT have a carbon = carbon double bond. |
a justene + bromine ====> a dibromobutane | The addition of bromine to the ii butenes giving two slightly different dibromobutanes. Note again y'all have gone from an unsaturated alkene (can add atoms to it) to a saturated derivative of an alki (cannot add atoms to information technology) |
Reaction two. Alkenes can add hydrogen to class a saturated alkane molecule | |
CHthree�CH=CHii + H2 ====> CH3�CH2�CHiii propene + hydrogen ===> propane |
Reaction 3. Addition of water to alkenes to make alcohols | |
ethene +water ===> ethanol CHii=CHtwo + H2O ===> CH3�CH2�OH | eg the alcohol ethanol can be made by passing ethene gas and h2o vapour (steam) over an acid catalyst at 300oC. The higher boiling ethanol and unreacted h2o tin can be condensed out equally liquids and very low boiling ethene gas recycled through the reactor and the ethanol purified past fractional distillation. This is an instance of an improver reaction and a hydration reaction because information technology involves the addition of water to another molecule. run across Alcohols, Ethanol, manufacture for more details of the process |
For (iv) Polymer formation � Polymerisation See Part seven. Polymers�Plastics section and Part 11. More on addition polymers and condensation polymers Revision notes on alkanes in chemistry, physical backdrop of alkenes, uses of alkenes, chemic reactions of alkenes, aid when revising for AQA GCSE chemical science, Edexcel GCSE chemical science, OCR GCSE gateway scientific discipline chemistry, OCR 21st century science chemistry GCSE ix-ane chemical science examinations. |
5c. More on ALKENES � unsaturated hydrocarbons � and quick summary too
- Alkenes cannot be obtained directly from crude oil and must be made past bully (meet section 6 bang-up notes).
- The unsaturated hydrocarbons grade an homologous series chosen alkenes with a general formula CnorthwardH2n
- Unsaturated ways the molecule has a C=C double bail to which atoms or groups tin add.
- Alkene examples: Names end in ...ene
- ethene
- propene
- butene
- The alkenes are more reactive than alkanes considering of the presence of the carbon = carbon double bail which is relatively easily partially broken.
- Therefore, alkenes readily undergo addition reactions in which one of the carbon = carbon double bonds breaks allowing each carbon atom to course a covalent bond with another atom such equally hydrogen or bromine.
- In alkanes all the C�C and C�H single bonds are very strong and not easily broken to permit the alkane molecule to readily undergo a chemical change
- Examples of addition reactions are : with hydrogen under pressure level and in the presence of a nickel catalyst to form an alkane
+ H2 ====>
ethene + hydrogen ====> ethane
+ H2 ====>
- propene + hydrogen ====> propane
- Alkenes react by 'addition' with bromine and decolourises the orange bromine h2o because the organic production is colourless, and this is a simple examination to distinguish an alkene from an alkane.
- run into above equations for ethene and propene
- Vegetable oils contain unsaturated fats (not hydrocarbons) and tin be hardened to form margarine by adding hydrogen on to some of the carbon=carbon double bonds using a nickel goad.
- The procedure is called hydrogenation,
- and the modify in an 'unsaturated' part of an oil molecule is
- �CH=CH� + H2 ====> �CH2�CHii�
- and so producing a 'saturated' section in the molecule.
- S tructure of 'fatty' saturated/unsaturated/hydrogenated�fats�oils and uses are described in section xiv.
Alkenes add water to make alcohols e.1000.
- ethene +water ===> ethanol (synthetic 'alcohol')
- CHtwo=CHii + HtwoO ===> CH3�CH2�OH
- Alkenes can add to themselves by improver polymerisation to form 'plastic' or polymeric materials.
- For more details meet section 7. Polymers�plastics notes
- Alkenes readily burn, but like alkanes, to give carbon dioxide and water if combustion is complete e.g.
- consummate oxidation = complete combustion
- alkene hydrocarbon + oxygen ===> carbon dioxide + water
- ethene + oxygen ====> carbon dioxide + h2o
- C2Hiv + 3O2 ====> 2CO2 + 2H2O
- propene + oxygen ====> carbon dioxide + water
- C3Hvi + fourone/2O2 ====> 3COtwo + 3HiiO
- or 2C3H6 +9Oii ====> 6CO2 + 6H2O
- However, they are NOT used as fuels for two reasons.
- They are far too valuable for use to make plastics, anti�freeze and numerous other useful compounds.
- They burn with a more smoky flame than alkanes due to less efficient, and more polluting incomplete combustion, and so the oestrus energy release is lower than for alkanes.
- Free unburned carbon might be released or merely half-burned to carbon monoxide. The hydrogen will ever be oxidised to water.
- So, for example, pentene might partially burn as follows ..
- C5H10 + 5O2 ===> 2C + CO + 2CO2 + 5H2O
- ... giving 2 complete combustion products and two incomplete combustion products, smokey!
- Alkenes are isomeric with cycloalkanes eastward.1000. the molecular formula C6H12 can represent hexene or cyclohexane
Revision notes on alkanes in chemistry, physical backdrop of alkenes, uses of alkenes, chemical reactions of alkenes, assistance when revising for AQA GCSE chemistry, Edexcel GCSE chemistry, OCR GCSE gateway science chemistry, OCR 21st century science chemistry GCSE 9-1 chemical science examinations.
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Keywords and phrases: The alkenes are a serial of hydrocarbon molecules (fabricated of carbon and hydrogen atoms). They are referred to as 'unsaturated' hydrocarbons considering they have a carbon � carbon C=C double bond and other atoms tin can add to them via unproblematic addition reactions. The physical backdrop and chemical reactions of alkenes with hydrogen (to form alkanes), bromine to form a dibromoalkanes (used every bit a exam for alkenes), polymerisation (cocky�improver of alkene molecules to form polymers like polyethene and with oxygen (combustion, burning) are fully described with give-and-take and symbol equations. These notes on alkenes are designed to meet the highest standards of knowledge and understanding required for students/pupils doing GCSE chemistry, IGCSE chemistry, O Level chemistry and KS4 science courses. These revision notes on the chemical properties reactions and uses of alkenes should show useful for the NEW AQA GCSE chemical science, Edexcel GCSE chemical science & OCR GCSE chemical science (Gateway & 21st Century) GCSE (9�ane), (ix-v) & (five-1) science courses.
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Avant-garde A Level notes on the chemical science of ALKENES
Which Characteristic Relates to Alkenes, but Not the Other Hydrocarbon Families?
Source: https://docbrown.info/page04/OilProducts05.htm
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