I Lost My Baby at 23 Years Old

The nowadays perfect. Exercises (���. �� ��������� ��������.�����)


Exercise 1 The present perfect with for and since.

Part ane -Answer the following questions every bit shown in the examples:

- Can you skate? (3 years)

- Yes, just I haven't skated for 3 years.

- Could you climb a rope? (I left school)

- Yes, I suppose I could, but I haven't climbed one since I left school.

1 Can you play chess? (ten years)

2 Can you sing? (I came to England)

iii Could you lot milk a moo-cow? (I left my father's subcontract)

4 Can y'all put up a tent? (I went camping 2 years ago)



five Can you make Yorkshire pudding? (over a year)

6 Can you lot read Latin? (I left schoolhouse)

7 Could you lot bath a baby? (fifteen years)

viii Could you repair a radio? (I left the ground forces)

9 Can you ski? (my last holiday)

ten Can y'all read a map? (quite a long fourth dimension)

xi Could you make a basket? (I was in hospital)

12 Tin you sew on buttons? (I got married)

13 Tin you drive a motorcar? (over half-dozen months)

fourteen Could you take someone's temperature? (years)

15 Can you lot ride a motor bicycle? (I was at the university)

xvi Can yous row a boat? (1977)

17 Tin can you paint in oils? (some time)

18 Can you type? (years and years)

Role 2 Rephrase the following sentences, using the present perfect tense with for or since:

I last read a newspaper on June 2.

I haven't read a newspaper since June ii.

Information technology is two years since I saw Tom.

I haven't seen Tom for two years.

19 It's 2 years since I had a puncture.

twenty Information technology's two months since he earned any money.

21 He concluding shaved the day before yesterday.

22 I final drank champagne at my blood brother'southward wedding.

23 It's ii years since I was last in Rome.

24 I saw Tom final on his wedding day.

25 I last ate raw fish when I was in Nippon.

26 It'due south years since Mary last spoke French.

27 It's x weeks since I last had a skillful night'due south sleep.

28 He last paid taxes in 1970.

29 I last ate meat five years ago. (Omit ago.)

30 It'south three months since the windows were cleaned.

31 It'due south years since I took any photographs.

32 I last watched TV on New year's Day.

33 It's three months since he wrote to me.

34 I was concluding paid 6 months ago. (My pay is six months in arrears.)

35 The last time I was away was in the summer of 1978.

36 Information technology'south 10 years since that firm was lived in.

Exercise 2 The present perfect and the simple past. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense: nowadays perfect or simple past. (In some cases the present perfect continuous is besides possible. This is noted in the Key.)

i Paul: I (play) football since I was five years old.

Tom: Y'all (play) since y'all (come) to England?

Paul: Oh aye. I (play) quite a lot. I (join) a club the solar day after I (arrive).

ii Tom: Y'all (play) any matches?

Paul: We (play) virtually ten. We have two more to play. We (have) a very good season, nosotros (win) all our matches so far, though nosotros (not actually deserve) to win the last ane.

iii Tom: I (play) football when I (be) at school simply when I (leave) school I. (drop) it and (take) up golf game.

4 Ann: Hello, Jack! I (not see) you for ages! Where you (exist)?

Jack: I (exist) in Switzerland. I (mean) to send yous a postcard simply I (not accept) your address with me.

Ann: Never listen. You (have) a good time in Switzerland? How long you lot (be) there?

Jack: I (be) there for a month. I only but (get) dorsum. Yeah, I (enjoy) it thoroughly. I (ski) all day and (trip the light fantastic toe) all night.

five Ann: I (ski) when I (exist) at the university, merely I (pause) a leg five years ago and since then I (non do) any.

6 When I first (come) to this house, it (be) a very quiet expanse. Just since then a new housing estate (exist) built and it (become) very noisy.

vii My son (not first) work even so. He's notwithstanding at the High Schoolhouse.

- How long he (be) at schoolhouse?

- He (be) at the High School for half dozen years; earlier that he (spend) five years at the Primary School in Windmill Street.

eight I but (hear) that Peter is in Commonwealth of australia.

- Oh, you (not know)? He (wing) out at the starting time of the month.

- You (hear) from him? Does he like the life?

- Yes, I (get) a letter last week. He (tell) me about his job. Just he (not say) whether he (like) the life or non. Perchance it'due south also shortly to say. He only (be) there thJee weeks.

9 I (not know) you (be) left-handed.

- I'm not left-handed; only my oil-heater (explode) yesterday and I (burn) my right hand, so I have to utilize my left.

This bicycle (be) in our family for 14 years. My father (use) information technology for the first five years, my brother (ride) it for the side by side v, and I Xhaye) it for the last iv.

11 I hear that your MP, Mr Simpson, (make) a very clever oral communication last night. How long he (be) your MP?

- Oh, we only (have) him since Jan. His predecessor Mr Allen (resign) suddenly because of ill-health and there (be) a by-election.

12 I hear that Mr Jones (leave).

- Yes, he (leave) terminal week.

- Anybody (be) appointed to take his place?

- I believe several men (apply) for the chore but and then far aught (be) decided.

13 Peter (meeting Ann at the drome): Howdy, Ann. You (have) a good trip?

Ann: The actual flight (exist) lovely, one of the all-time I (have) always, just information technology (take) ages to go into the plane. First they (think) that one of usa (be) a hijacker and they (search) us all for firearms; and then they (announce) that one of the engines (be) faulty. We finally (take off) an hour later.

14 Peter: How you (spend) this extra hour before have-off)?

Ann: Oh, they (take) u.s. to the eating house and (feed) united states of america and nosotros (walk) nearly and (buy) things nosotros (non need). The time (laissez passer) all right.

15 You (book) your hotel room nevertheless?

- Well, I (write) to the hotel concluding calendar week simply they (not answer) yet.

xvi Peter (meeting Paul unexpectedly in London): Hello, Paul! I (not know) you (exist) hither.

Paul: Oh, I (be) here nearly ii months. I (go far) on the 6th of January.

17 Peter: When we last (run across) you (say) that nothing would induce you to come to England. What (make) y'all modify your mind?

Paul: I (find) that I (demand) English for my work and this (seem) the quickest way of learning it.

18 Peter: You (know) whatsoever English when yous first (arrive) here?

Paul: No, I (non know) a word.

19 Ann (to Yvonne, who is going to English classes): How long you (learn) English?

Yvonne: I (larn) off and on for about five and a one-half years. (Employ the continuous grade.)

xx I (brainstorm) English language at secondary school and (do) information technology for 3 years.

And then I (drop) it for a yr and (forget) most of it. And so I (spend) two years at a secretarial college, where I (report) commercial English, an d for the last six months I (study) in London.

21 At 4 p.grand. my neighbour (ring) upwards and (say), 'Is Tom with you?' Tom, her son, (spend) most of his time in my garden playing with my children, so whenever she (not exist able) to find him she (band) me.

' I'one thousand agape I (not see) him today,' I (say). 'But my children (go) to the beach this forenoon and (not come) back nevertheless. Perchance he (go) with them.'

22 I just (accept) my first driving lesson.

- How it (get)? Yous (enjoy) it?

- Well, I not actually (hitting) anything only I (make) every other possible mistake.

23 Sometime Ben (sell) newspapers only inside the station entrance, and my father always (buy) his evening paper from him as he (leave) the station on his fashion home. But one day my father (make it) domicile without his paper. 'Ben (non exist) in that location this evening,' he (say). 'I hope he (non be taken) ill.'

24 On Saturday afternoon I (see) Frederick sitting in his garden.

' I (think) you (piece of work) on Saturdays,' I (say).

' I (work) this morning time,' (explicate) Frederick, 'simply at dejeuner fourth dimension the boss (go) off to play golf and (tell) u.s. all to become dwelling house. It'southward about time he (give) us a whole Sat off really. I (work) practically every Saturday since the beginning of the year.'

25 Ann: You (be) to Hampton Court?

Jane: Yep, I (get) in that location last week. The tulips (exist) wonderful.

Ann: You (go) past auto?

Jane: No, I (go) with my English form. We (rent) a autobus.

26 Ann: Where else you (exist) to since y'all (come) to England?

Jane: Oh, I (be) to Stratford and Coventry and Oxford and Canterbury.

27 Ann: You (see) a lot. When you (go) to Stratford?

Jane: I (go) final week. The people I work for (take) me.

28 Ann: You (run across) a play at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre when yous (be) at Stratford?

Jane: Yeah, we (meet) Macbeth. We were very lucky. We but (walk) in and (ask) if they (have) any returned tickets, and the girl at the box part (say), 'Yep, a man simply (return) 3 stalls.'

29 Ann: Yous (be) to Wales?

Jane: No, I (be) to Scotland but I (not be) to Wales. I'd like to go.

xxx Peter: You (meet) any adept films lately?

Ann: Yeah, I (go) to the National Picture Theatre concluding week and (meet) a Japanese motion-picture show.

Peter: Y'all (like) it?

An n: Yes, I (love) information technology, but of course I (not understand) a word.

31 Tom: I hear that Mr Benson simply (die). You (know) him quite well, didn't you?

Jack: Yes. We (work) for the aforementioned company for ten years. I (non see) and so much of him afterwards he (leave) the company simply we (keep) in bear upon.

32 Ann (think) the garage (be) empty, and (turn) off the lights. 'Hey!' (shout) Paul from nether the car. 'I'g sorry, Paul,' (say) Ann, 'I (not know) you (be) there.'

33 Male parent: Tom (not come up) back yet?

Mother: Yep, he (come) in an hour agone. He (become) directly to bed. Father: Funny. I (non hear) him.

34 Paul: That's a live wire. It just (give) me a stupor!

Ann: Nonsense! I simply (touch) information technology and I (non experience) anything!

When Paul (come) into the room, Ann was sitting in an armchair just behind the door. Paul, not noticing Ann, (go) to the window and (look) out. Ann (cough) and Paul (spin) round. 'Hullo, Ann!' he (exclaim), 'I (not encounter) you!'

Jack: You just (agree) to go, then why aren't you getting fix?

Peter: But I (non realize) that y'all (desire) me to start at once!

Do 3 The present perfect and the simple past. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense: present perfect or simple by.

1 I (buy) a new house last year, but I (not sell) my old house yet, so at the moment I have ii houses.

ii When Ann (be) on her way to the station information technology (brainstorm) to pelting. Ann (run) dorsum to her flat for her umbrella, but this (make) her late for her train.

3 She (grab) the next train only it (not get) in till nine.00, so she (arrive) at her role ten minutes late.

4 Her dominate (wait) upward as she (come) in. 'Yous (be) late every forenoon this week,' he (growl).

5 At seven a.chiliad. Charles (ring) Peter and (say), 'I'one thousand going angling, Peter. Would you like to come?'

' Simply it's and then early,' (say) Peter. 'I (not have) breakfast however. Why yous (not tell) me last night?'

6 Tom (meet) Paul at lunch fourth dimension and (say), 'I (not run across) y'all at the bus stop this morning. Y'all (miss) the bus?'

' I (not miss) information technology,' (reply) Paul. 'I (not miss) a bus for years. But this morning George (give) me a lift.'

7 Ann (become) to Canada six months ago. She (work) in Canada for a while then (go) to the U.s..

8 Mary (be) in Japan for two years. She is working there and likes it very much.

- How she (become)?

- She (become) by air.

9 When I (buy) my new house I (enquire) for a telephone. The Postal service Office (tell) me to look, just I (look) a year now and my phone still (not come).

10 Nib usually has breakfast at 8.00. Yesterday at 8.30 Peter (meet) Bill and (offer) him an apple tree. 'No, thanks/ (say) Bill. 'I simply (take) breakfast.'

xi Merely as Ann (arrive) at the airfield a plane (land) and a girl (climb) out. To her surprise Ann (recognize) her cousin, Lucy. 'Hello, Lucy,' she (exclaim). 'I (not know) that you (know) how to wing a plane.'

' I only just (acquire),' (say) Lucy. 'I (become) solo for the first time terminal week.'

12 Peter (try) to come in quietly but his female parent (hear) him and (call) out, 'Where y'all (exist)? Your supper (be) in the oven for an 60 minutes.'

13 You (exist) to the theatre lately?

- Yes, I (go) to Othello terminal calendar week.

- You (like) information technology?

- Aye, merely I (non run across) very well. I (be) right at the back.

14 Ann (coming out of a bookshop): I just (buy) a copy of David Copperfield. You (read) it?

Mary: Equally it happens it is the only i of Dickens'due south books that I (not read). I (not even meet) the film.

fifteen You (exist) to Cambridge?

- Yep, I (be) there last calendar month.

- How you (become) there?

- My brother (have) me in his motorcar.

16 You (see) Philip lately? I (band) his flat several times last week but (become) no answer.

- Oh, he (be) in America for the final month. He (fly) out on the first for a briefing and and so (decide) to stay for six weeks.

- You lot (hear) from him?

- Yes, I (go) a letter shortly after he (arrive).

17 How long you (be) in your present chore?

- I (be) there for 6 months.

- And what yous (exercise) earlier that?

- Before that I (work) for Jones and Company.

18 How long you (work) for Jones and Visitor?

- I (work) for them for 2 years.

- You (similar) working for them?

- No, I (not like) it at all.

- Then why you (stay) so long?

19 We usually go out on Sat evenings, but last Sat (be) and then moisture that we (stay) in and (play) cards.

- What yous (play)?

- We (play) poker. I (lose) fifty pence.

twenty When you (brainstorm) school?

- I (begin) school when I (be) 5. I (go) to a principal school outset. I (stay) there for six years and so I (get) to a comprehensive school.

21 When I (be) seventeen I (showtime) my university course.

- When you (go) your caste?

- Oh, I (not get) my degree yet; I'thou still at the academy. I only (exist) there for 2 years.

22 Tom (get out) the house at viii.20. At 8.25 the phone in Tom'south house (ring), Tom'south wife, Mary, (answer) it. 'Could I speak to Tom, please?' (say) the caller.

' I'one thousand afraid he merely (go) out', (say) Mary.

23 Y'all (be) to Cornwall?

- Yes, I (be) at that place last Easter.

- You (go) by train?

- No, I (hitch-hike).

24 I (not run across) Charles for some time.

- Be (exist) ill, poor chap. He (collapse) at work a fortnight ago and (be taken) to hospital. They (ship) him dwelling house subsequently two days simply he (not crane) back to work yet.

25 In that location (be) a very good programme on TV last dark. Y'all (meet) it?

- No. I (accept) my set dorsum to the shop final week considering at that place (be) so ranch distortion; and they (say) it (demand) a new part. They (not be able) to get the new part and so far, and so I (not watch) boob tube for virtually ten days.

26 You lot (e'er) be to French republic?

- Yes, I (spend) final July and August in Grenoble. I (get) to better my French but everyone I (meet) (want) to improve his English so I (non become) much practice.

27 The postman usually comes between 8.00 and 9.00 in the forenoon. At eight.45 a.g. yesterday Ann (say), 'Are there any messages for me?'

I don't know,' (say) Mary. 'The postman (not come) yet.'

At 11 a.m. Jack, Mary'southward husband, (ring) from his role to enquire if there (be) any messages for him. 'No,' (say) Mary. 'Nobody (become) letters today. The postman (not come).'

28 Mr Speed, Ann's employer, (dictate) iii letters and (tell) Ann to blazon them as presently every bit possible. Half an hr later on he (ring) Ann's function. 'You (end) those messages yet?' he (ask).

' Well,' (say) Ann, 'I (practise) the letter to Mr Jones, and I'm now typing the ane to Mr Robinson, but I (not start) the one to Mr Smith yet.'

29 You (discover) out yet most the trains to Liverpool?

- No. I (band) the station last dark but the man who (answer) the phone (not seem) to exist certain of the times. He (say) something about a new timetable.

- But the new timetable (exist) in operation for three weeks!

xxx Tom and Jack work in different offices only get to work in the same train. Ane evening Tom'southward wife (say), 'Jack (move) into his new house yet?' 'I don't know,' (say) Tom, 'I (not run into) Jack today. He (non be) on the train.'

31 Where y'all (be)?

- I (exist) shopping in Oxford Street.

- And so I suppose you (buy) shoes?

- Yes. I (find) a shop where they were having a auction and I (get) three pairs.

32 In the evenings I ofttimes play chess with my next door neighbour. I (play) chess with him ever since I (come) to live here ten years ago. He (be) here all his life; he (inherit) the house from his father, another groovy chess actor.

- You lot ever (play) chess with the begetter?

- Nosotros (play) once or twice but he (dice) a twelvemonth later I (arrive).

33 I tin't find my gloves. You (encounter) them?

- Yes, you (leave) them in the auto yesterday. I (put) them back in your drawer.

34 I hope you're enjoying your visit to England, You (run into) any Englishmen all the same?

- Yep, I (meet) a man called Smith at a party last dark.

- What you lot (talk) about?

- We (talk) about the conditions.

35 Mrs Jones: For years I (do) all my washing by mitt; and so last twelvemonth I (purchase) a washing machine and I must say it (brand) washing day much less exhausting. It only takes me an hour now.

Mrs White: I don't like washing machines. I always (do) my washing by mitt and I intend to get on doing it. I always (detect) it very satisfying work.

36 Tom: Don't you lot think it's time we (have) something unlike for Sunday dinner?

Ann: But nosotros (take) roast beef for Sunday dinner ever since nosotros (get) : married. Your mother (tell) me that you (exist) particularly addicted of roast beefiness.

Tom: But my female parent (exist) dead for v years and in those five years my tastes (change).




Do i Part 1 1 I haven't played for x years. 2 I haven't sung since I came three I haven't milked ane since 41 haven't put one up since five I oasis't fabricated one for half-dozen I haven't read any since 7 I haven't bathed a baby for eight ane haven't repaired ane since 9 I oasis't skiied since. x I haven't read one for xi I haven't made one since 12 I haven't sewn any on since 13 I haven't driven (one) for 14 I haven't taken a temperature for fifteen I haven't ridden one since 161 haven't rowed since 17 I haven't painted/done any painting for 18 I haven't typed for

Part 2 nineteen I oasis't had a puncture for 20 He hasn't earned whatsoever money for 21 He hasn't shaved since 22 I oasis't drunk champagne since 23 I haven't been in Rome for 24 I oasis't seen Tom since 25 I oasis't eaten raw fish since 26 Mary hasn't spoken French for years 27 I haven't had a good nighttime's sleep for 28 He hasn't paid taxes since 29 I oasis't eaten meat for 30 The windows haven't been cleaned for 311 haven't taken any photographs for years. 32 I oasis't watched Tv set since 33 He hasn't written to me for 34 I oasis't been paid for 35 I haven't been away since 36 That house hasn't been lived in for

Do 2 i have played/have been playing; Have y'all played, came; take played; joined, arrived ii Have you played; have played; have had, have won, didn't really deserve iii played, was, left, dropped, took. 4 haven't seen; accept y'all been; I've been; meant, hadn't/didn't have; Did you take/Had y'all, were; was; accept only simply got; enjoyed; skiied, danced. 5 skiied, was, bankrupt, haven't washed 6 came, was; has been built, has become 7 hasn't started; has he been, has been, spent viii have merely heard; didn't you know; flew; Take you lot heard; got; told; didn't say, liked; has simply been 9 didn't know, were; exploded, burnt x has been; used, rode, accept had 11 made; has he been; we have only had; resigned, was 12 has left; left; Has anybody been appointed; have practical/applied, has been decided 13 Did y'all have/Take you had; was, have always had, took; thought, was, searched, announced, was; took off 14 did you spend; took, fed, walked, bought, didn't need; passed 15 Accept you lot booked; wrote, oasis't answered xvi didn't know you lot were; have been; arrived 17 met, said; made, plant, needed, seemed 18 Did you know, arrived; didn't know 19 accept y'all learnt/been learning; have been learning 20 began, did; dropped, forgot; spent, studied, have been studying/accept studied. 21 rang, said; spent, couldn't/wasn't able to, rang; haven't seen, said; went, haven't come up; went 22 take simply had; did it become; did you savour; didn't actually hit, fabricated 23 sold, bought, left; arrived; wasn't, said; hasn't been taken 24 saw; idea, worked, said; worked, explained, went, told; gave; have worked 25 Take you been; went; were; Did you become; went; hired 26 accept you lot been, came; have been 27 have seen; did you get; went; took 28 Did you see, were; saw; walked, asked, had, said, has merely returned 29 Have you been; accept been; haven't been xxx Take y'all seen; went, saw; Did y'all similar; loved, didn't sympathize 31 has just died; knew; worked; didn't see, left, kept 32 thought, was, turned; shouted; said, didn't know, were 33 Hasn't Tom come up; came; went; didn't hear 34 has merely given; accept just touched, didn't feel 35 came; went; looked; coughed, spun; exclaimed, didn't come across 36 you have but agreed; didn't realize, wanted

Do three 1 bought, oasis't sold 2 was, began; ran, made iii defenseless, didn't go in, arrived iv looked upward, came; have been, growled five rang, said; said, haven't had; didn't you tell 6 met, said, didn't run into; Did you miss; didn't miss, replied; haven't missed; gave 7 went; worked, went 8 has been; did she go; went 9 bought, asked; told, have waited/been waiting, hasn't come 10 met, offered; said; take just had 11 arrived, landed, climbed out; recognized; exclaimed; didn't know, knew; take only but learnt, said; went 12 tried, heard, called out; have you been; has been 13 Take you been; went; Did you similar; didn't see; was 14 have just bought; Have yous read; haven't read; oasis't even seen 15 Have you been; was; did yous get; took 16 Take you lot seen; rang, got; has been; flew, decided; Accept you heard; got, arrived 17 take you been; have been; did you exercise/were you doing; worked/was working eighteen did you work; worked; Did you similar; didn't like; did yous stay nineteen was, stayed, played; did you play; played; lost xx did y'all begin; began, was; went; stayed, went 21 was, started; did you get; haven't got; take only been 22 left; rang; answered; said; has simply gone, said 23 Have you been; was; Did yous go; hitch-hiked 24 haven't seen; has been ill; complanate, was taken; sent, hasn't come 25 was; Did yous see; took, was, said, needed; haven't been able, haven't watched 26 Take yous ever been; spent; went, met, wanted, didn't get 27 said; said; hasn't come; rang, were; said; got; didn't come 28 dictated, told; rang; Have you finished, asked; said, accept done, oasis't started 29 Have you institute out; rang, answered, didn't seem; said; has been xxx said, Has Jack moved; said, didn't see; wasn't 31 have you lot been; accept been; bought/have bought; found, got 32 have played, came; has been, inherited; Did you ever play; played, died, arrived 33 Have yous seen; left; put 34 Have you met; met; did you talk; talked 35 did, bought, has made; have always done, have e'er found 36 had; accept had, got; told, were; has been, accept inverse

I Lost My Baby at 23 Years Old

Source: http://englishtown-anapa.ru/content/view/1237

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